Thursday, December 22, 2011

GOP frosh dig in hard on payroll tax

You could be forgiven for thinking that, with 10 days left before a middle class tax increase, the House GOP freshmen would be starting to sweat the political implications this game of chicken over the payroll tax holiday.

But you?d be wrong.

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As they have for so many of the major legislative battles of the year, the freshmen framed the showdown with the Senate as a time to fight on principle, a prime example of why they were sent to Washington in the first place?the D.C. establishment be damned if they don?t see it similarly.

?Only in this town can being right be wrong. It?s the only place in the world where if you do the right thing you?re wrong. Are you kidding me? ? If you can?t start doing what?s right for the American people then why the hell did you come here?? intoned Rep. Mike Kelly, a former University of Notre Dame football player from northwestern Pennsylvania who often takes on the modulation of a high school coach when the freshmen step forward to support their leadership in fighting with Democrats.

?We?re $15 trillion dollars in debt and these people are telling you this is how you should run your business? Give me a break. These people need to get out of here. They drink the Potomac water and they get infected,? he said.

If Republican House leaders cave in and cut a deal, the freshmen might be the last to know?and their support could be a wild card. But for now, they?ve dug in for a long Christmas week battle.

The freshmen argued that a one year extension is vastly preferable to a two-month extension (never mind that some in their party didn?t and don?t want to see the payroll tax holiday extended at all) and that they want an agreement between the House and Senate that provides certainty to middle class taxpayers and to the patients and physicians hoping Congress would come through a fix to Medicare reimbursement rates. And they?re convinced that their argument will prevail with the public.

They were defiant?even as friendly venues like the Wall Street Journal editorial page took House Republicans to task for what they called a political ?fiasco.?

?Well look, I haven?t read what the Wall Street Journal writes. Usually I take with a grain of salt what I read or hear anywhere in the media,? said Rep. Andy Harris, a freshman physician from Maryland.

Rep. Tom Reed (R-N.Y.), a conferee, said that the editorial ?was all about politics of situation,? rather than policy.

?Democrats blame Republicans for night falling every night. Democrats will blame us for anything. They all know that one year [payroll tax holiday extension] makes for better policy,? Harris said.

If there are any lingering doubts among the class about whether this strategy best serves their political interests, few are showing it. Only three members of the class?Reps. Jaime Herrera-Beutler of Washington, Chris Gibson of New York and Charlie Bass of New Hampshire?voted against the GOP proposal to send the bill to conference Tuesday.

?The media is going to write whatever the media wants to write but the fact remains that there is a process to work out differences between House and Senate,? Rep. Sandy Adams (R-Fla.) said.


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Monday, December 19, 2011

Genome tree of life is largest yet for seed plants

Friday, December 16, 2011

Scientists at the American Museum of Natural History, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, The New York Botanical Garden, and New York University have created the largest genome-based tree of life for seed plants to date. Their findings, published today in the journal PLoS Genetics, plot the evolutionary relationships of 150 different species of plants based on advanced genome-wide analysis of gene structure and function. This new approach, called "functional phylogenomics," allows scientists to reconstruct the pattern of events that led to the vast number of plant species and could help identify genes used to improve seed quality for agriculture.

"Ever since Darwin first described the 'abominable mystery' behind the rapid explosion of flowering plants in the fossil record, evolutionary biologists have been trying to understand the genetic and genomic basis of the astounding diversity of plant species," said Rob DeSalle, a corresponding author on the paper and a curator in the Museum's Division of Invertebrate Zoology who conducts research at the Sackler Institute for Comparative Genomics. "Having the architecture of this plant tree of life allows us to start to decipher some of the interesting aspects of evolutionary innovations that have occurred in this group."

The research, performed by members of the New York Plant Genomics Consortium, was funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Plant Genome Program to identify the genes that caused the evolution of seeds, a trait of important economic interest. The group selected 150 representative species from all of the major seed plant groups to include in the study. The species span from the flowering variety?peanuts and dandelions, for example?to non-flowering cone plants like spruce and pine. The sequences of the plants' genomes?all of the biological information needed to build and maintain an organism, encoded in DNA?were either culled from pre-existing databases or generated, in the field and at The New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx, from live specimens.

With new algorithms developed at the Museum and NYU and the processing power of supercomputers at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and overseas, the sequences?nearly 23,000 sets of genes (specific sections of DNA that code for certain proteins)?were grouped, ordered, and organized in a tree according to their evolutionary relationships. Algorithms that determine similarities of biological processes were used to identify the genes underlying species diversity.

"Previously, phylogenetic trees were constructed from standard sets of genes and were used to identify the relationships of species," said Gloria Coruzzi, a professor in New York University's Center for Genomics and Systems Biology and the principal investigator of the NSF grant. "In our novel approach, we create the phylogeny based on all the genes in a genome, and then use the phylogeny to identify which genes provide positive support for the divergence of species."

The results support major hypotheses about evolutionary relationships in seed plants. The most interesting finding is that gnetophytes, a group that consists mostly of shrubs and woody vines, are the most primitive living non-flowering seed plants?present since the late Mesozoic era, the "age of dinosaurs." They are situated at the base of the evolutionary tree of seed plants.

"This study resolves the long-standing problem of producing an unequivocal evolutionary tree of the seed plants," said Dennis Stevenson, vice president for laboratory research at The New York Botanical Garden. "We can then use this information to determine when and where important adaptations occur and how they relate to plant diversification. We also can examine the evolution of such features as drought tolerance, disease resistance, or crop yields that sustain human life through improved agriculture."

In addition, the researchers were able to make predictions about genes that caused the evolution of important plant characteristics. One such evolutionary signal is RNA interference, a process that cells use to turn down or silence the activity of specific genes. Based on their new phylogenomic maps, the researchers believe that RNA interference played a large role in the separation of monocots?plants that have a single seed leaf, including orchids, rice, and sugar cane?from other flowering plants. Even more surprising, RNA interference also played a major role in the emergence of flowering plants themselves.

"Genes required for the production of small RNA in seeds were at the very top of the list of genes responsible for the evolution of flowering plants from cone plants," said Rob Martienssen, a professor at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. "In collaboration with colleagues from LANGEBIO [Laboratorio Nacional de Genomica para la Biodiversidad] in Mexico last year, we found that these same genes control maternal reproduction, providing remarkable insight into the evolution of reproductive strategy in flowering plants."

The data and software resources generated by the researchers are publicly available and will allow other comparative genomic researchers to exploit plant diversity to identify genes associated with a trait of interest or agronomic value. These studies could have implications for improving the quality of seeds and, in turn, agricultural products ranging from food to clothing.

In addition, the phylogenomic approach used in this study could be applied to other groups of organisms to further explore how species originated, expanded, and diversified.

"The collaboration among the institutions involved here is a great example of how modern science works," said Sergios-Orestis Kolokotronis, a term assistant professor at Columbia University's Barnard College and a research associate at the Museum's Sackler Institute. "Each of the four institutions involved has its own strengths and these strengths were nicely interwoven to produce a novel vision of plant evolution."


American Museum of Natural History:

Thanks to American Museum of Natural History for this article.

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