Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Russia loses $200 million satellites as launch ends in firey failure

By Dmitry Solovyov

ALMATY, Kazakhstan (Reuters) - A Russian rocket carrying three navigation satellites worth around $200 million crashed shortly after lift-off from the Russian-leased Baikonur launch facility in Kazakhstan on Tuesday after its engines suddenly switched off.

The accident led to a large spill of heptyl, a highly toxic rocket propellant, but there were no reports of casualties or of any immediate threat to nearby settlements.

State-run Rossiya-24 television showed footage of the Proton-M booster rocket veering off course seconds after lift-off. It fell apart in flames in the air and crashed in a ball of fire near the launch pad.

Interfax news agency quoted an unnamed source as saying launch-pad personnel were in bunkers when the rocket lifted off.

Russia's space agency Roscosmos said the accident had been caused by the emergency switch-off of the rocket's engines 17 seconds into the flight.

Russia's state-run RIA news agency said the switch-off could have been caused by a problem with the engine or the guidance system.

The rocket contained 172 metric tons (1 metric ton = 1.1023 tons) of highly toxic heptyl propellant, Kazakh Emergencies Minister Vladimir Bozhko told an emergency government meeting.

Talgat Musabayev, head of Kazakhstan's space agency Kazcosmos, said nitric oxide - a product of burning heptyl - was much less toxic for humans. He said it was raining in the area, so toxic clouds would probably not reach the town of Baikonur some 60 km (38 miles) away.

However, the authorities instructed locals to stay at home and not to open windows, and ordered to close shops and public catering, said Kazakh Interior Minister Kalmukhambet Kasymov.

The estimated loss from the three satellites, meant for Russia's troubled Glonass satellite navigation system, was about $200 million, Rossiya-24 reported.

Russia plans to spend more than 300 billion roubles ($9.1 billion) by 2020 on Glonass, its answer to the U.S. GPS system.

The system, first conceived by the Soviet Union more than 40 years ago, has been plagued by failed launches, including one in 2010 in which three satellites were also lost, and by suspicions of corruption and embezzlement. Its chief designer was dismissed last year during a fraud investigation.

The Proton rocket, known at the time under its UR-500 code, made its first test flights in the mid-1960s.

It was originally designed as an intercontinental ballistic missile to carry a nuclear warhead targeting the Soviet Union's Cold War foe the United States. But it was never deployed as a nuclear weapon.

Several crashes of Proton rockets accompanied by spills of heptyl have led to temporary strains in relations between Russia and Kazakhstan.

Russia is increasing spending on space and plans to send a probe to the moon in 2015, but the pioneering program that put the first man in space in 1961 has been plagued in recent years by setbacks, including botched satellite launches and a failed attempt to send a probe to a moon of Mars.

(Additional reporting by Steve Gutterman in Moscow and Raushan Nurshayeva in Asatana; Writing by Dmitry Solovyov; Editing by Jon Boyle)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/unmanned-russian-rocket-crashes-launch-kazakhstan-035601691.html

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'The Killing' keeps it all in the family


13 hours ago

Image: Danette Leeds (Amy Seimetz) and Bullet (Bex Taylor-Klaus) on "The Killing."

Carole Segal / AMC

Danette Leeds (Amy Seimetz) and Bullet (Bex Taylor-Klaus) on "The Killing."

It was all about family on AMC?s ?The Killing? this week, with virtually every key storyline revolving around motherhood, fatherhood, or the effect that moms and dads have on their kids ? and vice versa, for that matter ? even when they don?t realize it. That?s not to say that there weren?t other key developments, including the abrupt disappearance of Angie at the end of the episode and the sudden decision to consider Pastor Mike as a suspect, but this was an installment that was about more than just the flashy moments.

Too Little, Too Late?
Despite last week?s ominous conclusion, Danette Leeds managed to move fast and escape from Joe Mills, but she?s so crazed when she arrives at the police station that she?s taken into custody. When Linden arrives, she tries to stay angry at her, but she quickly realizes that Danette?s finally ? if belatedly ? become legitimately worried about her daughter, which is particularly depressing given that the transition has come at a point where the likelihood of Kallie still being alive is dropping ever lower all the time. The depth of Danette?s concern becomes evident when she even goes so far as to reach out to Bullet and asks her for help in her search, resulting in a bit of bonding between them, but when Bullet says, ?She?ll be all right,? and Danette says, ?Yeah,? it?s painfully obvious that neither of them believes it.

Goodbye, Alton; Hello, Dad
In the wake of being granted forgiveness by his siblings for having killed his parents, Alton decides that he?s had just about as much prison as he can take, and Seward, in a slightly twisted yet strangely heartfelt gesture, stands by and lets his friend ?escape? by hanging himself in his cell. With family on his mind, Seward requests a visit with his father, who ? shocker! ? is also in jail. Although viewers finally learn who hooked Seward up with the razor blade a few episodes back (now there?s a dad who knows how to pick gifts for his kid), the visit proves a waste of time for Seward, who seems reasonably horrified to discover that his father thinks he?s actually been a pretty decent parent, having taught his son how to be a man, snapping back at his dad on the way back to his cell, ?Dying in an orange jumpsuit doesn?t make you a man!?

Proud Moments in Parenting
Speaking of Sewards and their kids, Linden?s been called out for having visited Seward?s son at his school, but in the process of getting an earful from the boy?s foster parents, she picks up on a piece of information that hadn?t previously emerged in their investigation: Young Adrian has long had a tendency to sleep in the closet. Putting two and two together, Linden and Holder rush off to commit a ?class-A felony? (Holder?s words) by breaking into the former crime scene, but the end result is the discovery that Adrian saw his mother?s murderer?and it wasn?t Seward. In a desperate attempt to get access to what Adrian knows, since Skinner?s not having any of it, Linden visits Seward and begs for his assistance, admitting that she realizes he?s innocent of his wife?s murder. He snaps and storms away, screaming, ?You came to this realization three years after the fact, just 12 days before I hang? Jesus!?

Well, he has a point.

Source: http://www.today.com/entertainment/killing-keeps-it-all-family-6C10501511

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Obama visits Mandela's former jail before South Africa speech

On Sunday, the First Family visited Robben Island, which is where Nelson Mandela was held for 18 of the nearly 30 years he was in prison. NBC's Kristen Welker reports.

By Alastair Jamieson, Staff writer, NBC News

U.S. President Barack Obama and his family were visiting a former prison island off South Africa on Sunday in tribute to ailing anti-apartheid hero Nelson Mandela.

The visit to Robben Island ? the penal colony where Mandela spent 18 of his 27 years in jail ? was taking place hours ahead of a speech at the University of Cape Town.

Obama has already seen Mandela's cell once before, during a visit he made while still a U.S. senator in 2006.

The President and First Lady Michelle Obama made the short but spectacular flight to Robben Island from nearby Cape Town at 1:46 p.m. local time (7:46 a.m. ET).

Obama met privately Saturday with relatives of Mandela, who has been in a serious condition in a hospital in Pretoria, near Johannesburg, for three weeks.

The White House announced earlier that Obama, "out of deference to Nelson Mandela's peace and comfort and the family's wishes," would not visit Mandela, who led South Africa out of racial segregation and became its first black president.

Obama also spoke by telephone with Gra?a Machel, Mandela's wife, while she remained at the 94-year-old former statesman's beside.

"I also reaffirmed the profound impact that his legacy has had in building a free South Africa, and in inspiring people around the world -- including me," Obama said in a statement.

"I expressed my hope that Madiba draws peace and comfort from the time that he is spending with loved ones, and also expressed my heartfelt support for the entire family as they work through this difficult time," Obama said, referring to Mandela by his honorary clan name.

Obama?s Sunday speech echoes the ?Day of Affirmation? address given at the same location in 1966 by Robert Kennedy, who compared struggle to overcome apartheid with the U.S. civil rights movement.

NBC News' Daniel Arkin contributed to this report.



This story was originally published on

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Monday, July 1, 2013

Officials: Wayne County Oil Spill Leaks into River

WAYNESBORO, Miss. (AP) - Authorities are cleaning up hundreds of gallons of oil that spilled from a well in Wayne County and leaked into the Chickasawhay River.
The Clarion-Ledger reports 945 to 2,362 gallons of oil spilled from a well owned by Logan Oil. The company notified Wayne County officials of the spill on Thursday.
Allen Floyd, field director for the Mississippi Oil and Gas Board, said the spill had been contained and its environmental effects were expected to be "minimal."
Joseph Dunlap, of the Wayne County Emergency Management Agency, said oil had flowed roughly four miles down the river, which is located about one mile from the oil field.
Officials estimated the cleanup efforts could last several days.
The cause of the spill remained under investigation Friday.
Information from: The Clarion-Ledger

(Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

6/29/2013 1:49:04 PM (GMT -5:00)

Click here to read this story on www.local15tv.com

Source: http://www.nbcnews.com/id/52351472/ns/local_news-mobile_al/

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Is that bacteria dead yet? Nano and laser technology packed into small device tests antibiotic treatment in minutes

June 30, 2013 ? Researchers at EPFL have built a matchbox-sized device that can test for the presence of bacteria in a couple of minutes, instead of up to several weeks. A nano-lever vibrates in the presence of bacterial activity, while a laser reads the vibration and translates it into an electrical signal that can be easily read -- the absence of a signal signifies the absence of bacteria. Thanks to this method, it is quick and easy to determine if a bacteria has been effectively treated by an antibiotic, a crucial medical tool especially for resistant strains. Easily used in clinics, it could also prove useful for testing chemotherapy treatment.

The research is published in the latest issue of Nature Nanotechnology.

"This method is fast and accurate. And it can be a precious tool for both doctors looking for the right dosage of antibiotics and for researchers to determine which treatments are the most effective," explains Giovanni Dietler.

Laser and nanotechnology read the bacteria's metabolic activity

It currently takes a long time to measure a bacterial infection's response to antibiotic treatment. Clinicians must culture the bacteria and then observe its growth, sometimes for almost a month, as is the case with tuberculosis, in order to determine if the treatment has been effective.

Thanks to advances in laser and optical technology, the EPFL team of physicists has reduced this time to a couple of minutes. To do so, Giovanni Dietler, Sandor Kasas and Giovanni Longo have exploited the microscopic movements of a bacterium's metabolism.

These vital signs are almost unperceivable. In order to test for them, the researchers place the bacteria on an extremely sensitive measuring device that vibrates a small lever -- only slightly thicker than a strand of hair -- in the presence of certain activity. The lever then vibrates under the metabolic activity of the germs. These infinitely small oscillations, on the order of one millionth of a millimeter, determine the presence or absence of the bacteria.

To measure these vibrations, the researchers project a laser onto the lever. The light is then reflected back and the signal is converted into an electrical current to be interpreted by the clinician or researcher. When the electrical current is a flat line, one knows that the bacteria are all dead; it is as easy to read as an electrocardiogram.

A promising method for cancer treatment

The researchers have miniaturized the tool -- it is currently the size of a matchbox. "By joining our tool with a piezoelectric device instead of a laser, we could further reduce its size to the size of a microchip," says Giovanni Dietler. They could then be combined together to test a series of antibiotics on one strain in only a couple of minutes.

The researchers are currently evaluating the tool's potential in other fields, notably oncology. They are looking into measuring the metabolism of tumor cells that have been exposed to cancer treatment to evaluate the efficiency of the treatment. "If our method also works in this field, we really have a precious tool on our hands that can allow us to develop new treatments and also test both quickly and simply how the patient is reacting to the cancer treatment," says Sandor Kasas.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/top_news/~3/1zTXeSe2UBI/130630145006.htm

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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Biological arithmetic: Plants do sums to get through the night

June 24, 2013 ? New research shows that to prevent starvation at night, plants perform accurate arithmetic division. The calculation allows them to use up their starch reserves at a constant rate so that they run out almost precisely at dawn.

"This is the first concrete example in a fundamental biological process of such a sophisticated arithmetic calculation." said mathematical modeller Professor Martin Howard from the John Innes Centre.

Plants feed themselves during the day by using energy from the sun to convert carbon dioxide into sugars and starch. Once the sun has set, they must depend on a store of starch to prevent starvation.

In research to be published in the open access journal eLife, scientists at the John Innes Centre show that plants make precise adjustments to their rate of starch consumption. These adjustments ensure that the starch store lasts until dawn even if the night comes unexpectedly early or the size of the starch store varies.

The John Innes Centre scientists show that to adjust their starch consumption so precisely they must be performing a mathematical calculation -- arithmetic division.

"The capacity to perform arithmetic calculation is vital for plant growth and productivity," said metabolic biologist Professor Alison Smith.

"Understanding how plants continue to grow in the dark could help unlock new ways to boost crop yield."

During the night, mechanisms inside the leaf measure the size of the starch store and estimate the length of time until dawn. Information about time comes from an internal clock, similar to our own body clock. The size of the starch store is then divided by the length of time until dawn to set the correct rate of starch consumption, so that, by dawn, around 95% of starch is used up.

"The calculations are precise so that plants prevent starvation but also make the most efficient use of their food," said Professor Smith.

"If the starch store is used too fast, plants will starve and stop growing during the night. If the store is used too slowly, some of it will be wasted."

The scientists used mathematical modelling to investigate how such a division calculation can be carried out inside a plant. They proposed that information about the size of the starch store and the time until dawn is encoded in the concentrations of two kinds of molecules (called S for starch and T for time). If the S molecules stimulate starch consumption, while the T molecules prevent this from happening, then the rate of starch consumption is set by the ratio of S molecules to T molecules, in other words S divided by T.

This research is funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/most_popular/~3/qb4963q8I7k/130624093524.htm

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Prosecutors want to admit calls in Zimmerman trial

SANFORD, Fla. (AP) ? Past police dispatcher calls in which George Zimmerman complained about "suspicious" characters in his neighborhood should be presented to jurors at his second-degree murder trial since they show his state of mind and provide context to his fatal encounter with 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, a prosecutor argued Tuesday.

Prosecutor Richard Mantei told a Florida judge the five calls are central to the prosecution's argument that Zimmerman committed second-degree murder since it shows his growing ill will at people he viewed as suspicious who were walking through his neighborhood. In each of the calls, which were played for Judge Debra Nelson with the jurors out of the courtroom, Zimmerman described the suspicious characters as black males.

The calls made in the six months before Zimmerman fatally shot Martin on Feb. 26, 2012, reflect the neighborhood watch volunteer's growing frustration with repeated break-ins at his gated community of townhomes and plays into the prosecution's theory that his view of Martin as a suspicious character was "the straw that broke the camel's back," Mantei said.

Defense attorney Mark O'Mara argued that the calls were irrelevant and that no previous incidents matter except the seven or eight minutes prior to when Zimmerman fired the deadly shot into Martin's chest.

"They're going to ask the jury to make a leap from a good, responsible, citizen behavior to seething behavior," O'Mara said of the prosecution's depiction of Zimmerman's actions.

Nelson said she would make a ruling after reviewing prior cases.

Prosecutors called to the stand a Sanford police sergeant who was the second officer to respond to the scene after Zimmerman fatally shot Martin. Sgt. Tony Raimondo testified that he tried to seal a bullet wound in Martin's chest with a plastic bag and attempted mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Bubbling sounds indicated that air was escaping the teen's chest, Raimondo said.

Martin was pronounced dead a short time later.

During Raimondo's testimony, prosecutors showed jurors a photo of Martin's dead body face-down in the grass, another of Martin's body face up with his eyes slightly open and a third of the bullet wound. Martin's father, Tracy Martin, walked out of the courtroom during the testimony.

Zimmerman, 29, could get life in prison if convicted of second-degree murder for gunning down Martin as the black teenager, wearing a hoodie on a dark, rainy night, walked from a convenience store through the gated townhouse community where he was staying. Zimmerman is pleading not guilty, claiming self-defense.

The case took on racial dimensions after Martin's family claimed that Zimmerman had racially profiled the teen and that police were dragging their feet in bringing charges. Zimmerman, who identifies himself as Hispanic, has denied the confrontation had anything to do with race.

Prosecutors also called the former coordinator of the Sanford Police Department's neighborhood watch program, who testified how she had worked with Zimmerman to set up a watch program in his neighborhood, The Retreat at Twin Lakes.

When asked by prosecutor John Guy if neighborhood watch participants should either follow or engage with suspicious people, she answered "no."

"They are the eyes and ears of law enforcement," said Wendy Dorival, the Sanford Police manager. "They're not supposed to take matters into their own hands."

But Dorival said she was impressed with Zimmerman's professionalism and dedication to his community and asked him to join another program, Citizens on Patrol, which trained residents to patrol their neighborhoods. He declined.

"He seemed like he really wanted to make changes in his community, to make it better," Dorival said.

The president of Zimmerman's homeowners association also testified that Zimmerman was in charge of the neighborhood watch program started in his townhome complex. He said Zimmerman was the person who went through a class offered by Sanford police to get it started.

Donald O'Brien said he also attended a neighborhood watch meeting led by Zimmerman and it was O'Brien's understanding that participating residents "were supposed to stay away" from suspicious activity and "call the police."

"Do not get close to anybody," O'Brien said of what he understood about neighborhood watch. "Stay at a safe distance and call 911. Let the police handle it."

The prosecution began opening statements Monday in the long-awaited murder trial with shocking language, repeating obscenities Zimmerman uttered while talking to a police dispatcher moments before the deadly confrontation.

The defense opened with a knock-knock joke about the difficulty of picking a jury for a case that stirred nationwide debate over racial profiling, vigilantism and Florida's expansive laws on the use of deadly force.

Guy portrayed the then-neighborhood watch volunteer as a vigilante, saying, "Zimmerman thought it was his right to rid his neighborhood of anyone who did not belong."

Defense attorney Don West told jurors a different story: Martin sucker-punched Zimmerman and then pounded his head against the concrete sidewalk, and that's when Zimmerman opened fire.


Follow Kyle Hightower on Twitter at http://twitter.com/KHightower

Follow Mike Schneider on Twitter at http://twitter.com/MikeSchneiderAP

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/prosecutors-want-admit-calls-zimmerman-trial-083739961.html

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South Africa Says Nelson Mandela's Condition Critical - Health Care ...

South Africa's iconic former leader Nelson Mandela has lapsed into
critical condition after spending more than two weeks in a Pretoria
hospital to treat a lung infection, according to a statement from the
president's office.

President Jacob Zuma and deputy president of the ruling African National Congress, Cyril Ramaphosa, visited Mr. Mandela at the hospital Sunday evening.

The medical team treating Mr. Mandela told the pair of visitors the condition of the 94-year-old former president had "become critical over the past 24 hours," according to the president's office.

"The doctors are doing everything possible to get his condition to improve and are ensuring that Madiba is well-looked after and is comfortable," Mr. Zuma said referring to Mr. Mandela by his clan name.

For the past two weeks, the presidency has described Mr. Mandela's condition as "serious but stable." On Sunday, Mr. Zuma's spokesman Mac Maharaj described a sharp deterioration of Mr. Mandela's condition but wouldn't provide details, citing the ailing leader's privacy.

"His condition is clearly worse than serious, and clearly he's receiving intensive care treatment," Mr. Maharaj said. "What form that takes I'm not in a position to go into."

Mr. Mandela was admitted on June 8 for treatment of a lung infection, one in a long series of respiratory ailments he has battled since contracting tuberculosis during his 27 years in prison for opposing South Africa's former white-minority apartheid regime.

This is his fourth hospitalization since December. The visits have caused ripples of anxiety in South Africa, where Mr. Mandela has long been a unifying figure in a racially-polarized nation.

Mr. Mandela became the country's first black president after leading his African National Congress party to power in the 1994 elections on a platform of forgiveness and racial reconciliation. He served one five-year term before stepping down to focus on charity and advocacy work.

He retired from public life in 2004, and his appearances have been rare. At the opening of 2010 World Cup soccer tournament, which South Africa hosted, Mr. Mandela was driven around the stadium in a golf cart to rapturous applause.

In a statement, Jackson Mthembu, a spokesman for the ANC, said: "the African National Congress joins the presidency in calling upon all of us to keep President Mandela, his family and his medical team in our thoughts and prayers during this trying time."

Though Mr. Mandela doesn't figure as a politician any more, he remains a symbol of the promise unfulfilled by party and a country that is going through wrenching economic and political change.

Economic growth has slowed to under 1% in the first quarter of this year and unemployment among young people is close to 80%. Many young black South Africans, born after the dawn of democracy in 1994, are channeling their frustration toward the ruling ANC.

Protests in predominantly black townships have erupted over poor public services and a dearth of opportunity.

In his statement announcing Mr. Mandela's deteriorating condition, Mr. Zuma also defended the care he has received. CBS News reported over the weekend that the ambulance carrying Mr. Mandela to the hospital on June 8 broke down, leaving him lying in critical condition on a Johannesburg highway until he could be transferred to another vehicle.

Mr. Zuma's office confirmed that Mr. Mandela had needed to be transferred to a second ambulance, but denied his care was compromised. "There were seven doctors in the convoy who were in full control of the situation throughout the period," Mr. Zuma said. "He had expert medical care."

Source: http://planehealth.blogspot.com/2013/06/south-africa-says-nelson-mandelas.html

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A Wedding Dress Made Entirely Out of Lego

A Wedding Dress Made Entirely Out of Lego

Japanese artist Rie Hosokai, of Daisy Balloon, created this amazing piece of high Lego fashion for Tokyo's "Piece of Peace" charity exhibit at the Parco Museum. Structurally it's simply stunning (albeit a bit Disney Princessy). The construction, contour and shape are based on Hosokai's balloon dress. As an item of haute couture, it's not so utilitarian. But as an avant-garde work-of-Lego-art it's simply stunning.

Here's how Hosokai explains the meaning behind the piece:

There is fear in that we are all different from one another, but that is also the gateway to self-consciousness.
Self-consciousness was once whole, but in the modern trend where all things whole get broken down, it too is about to get deconstructed.
For that reason, people now seek to reconstruct their consciousness by extending it onto others.
Through this process of extension, we have learned to unravel things down to their basic elements.
We are succeeding at digging up new knowledge of what it is we all share.
This knowledge that bonds different people together seems to appear suddenly, but in reality it is already coded into our planet, our universe.
We construct things from the most basic building blocks.
What are we to discover from this process?
To find the answer, we must continue to turn our gaze toward those around us. - Text by Arata Sasaki [Daisy Balloon]

A Wedding Dress Made Entirely Out of Lego

A Wedding Dress Made Entirely Out of Lego

Source: http://lego.gizmodo.com/a-wedding-dress-made-entirely-out-of-lego-524051717

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Ballet flats, topsiders, and more: the best deals on women's shoes

From pumps to flats, designers to discount brands, here are the biggest savings on women's shoes this week.?

By Lou Carlozo,?Contributor / June 23, 2013

A clerk straightens out her display at a shoe store in Salem, N.H.

Elise Amendola/AP/FIle


Why Imelda Marcos has approximately 3,000 pairs of shoes, we don't know. What we do know is that this week's best shoe deals include five pairs of must-have ladies footwear, including flats from Tory Burch, boat shoes from Sperry Top-Sider, and more.

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?Store: Tory Burch
Price: $121.50 with free shipping when you sign up for the Tory Burch?newsletter
Lowest By: $49 Is It Worth It?: These Tory Burch ballet flats are so chic, and can be yours at a discount simply by signing up for the Tory Burch newsletter. Choose from five luscious colors including Daisy, Iced Coffee, New Fire Orange, Ocean Breeze, and Rose Petal; they're available in sizes 6 to 11, though not in all size/color combinations.?
Scroll to the bottom of the page, and enter your email address in the bottom right corner; you'll be emailed a code within 24 hours of signing up with a new email address, although most arrive within an hour.?

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Store: Kmart
Price: $11.99 via coupon code "SANDALS20" with free shipping
Lowest By: $2
Expires: June 22 Is It Worth It?: These thong sandals feature a metal embellishment, buckle closure, and are a great pair of summer shoes. They're also a part of the best sale we've seen on sandals from Kmart in recent months, which cuts up to 40% off men's, women's, and kids' sandals. Plus coupon code "SANDALS20" takes an extra 20% off!?
To extend your savings, make sure to sign up for a 90-day trial on Shop Your Way Max to net free shipping.?

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Store: L.L.Bean
Price: $63.99 via coupon code "EXTRA20" with free shipping
Lowest By: $22
Expires: June 24 Is It Worth It?: Looking for an assortment of fashion-forward footwear? Then look no further than L.L.Bean's Signature women's shoes. Right now you'll save up to 53% off select styles; plus coupon code "EXTRA20" nets an extra 20% in savings. Of the lot, we're biggest fans of the picture pair of pumps. They're available in Loden (an olive green color) in sizes 6 to 11.?

Sperry Top-Sider Women's Authentic Original 2-Eye Glitter Boat Shoes

Store: Sperry Top-Sider
Price: $38 in-cart with $4.95 s&h
Lowest By: $18
Expires: July 3 Is It Worth It?: They're back! This spangly, glittery Editors' Choice deal reflects some playful imagination from the Sperry Top-Sider folks who know just how to make a slip-on boat shoe sparkle. They're available in three colors (Navy Patent pictured) and in sizes 5 to 12, although not in all size/color combinations.?

Crocs Women's Candace Clogs

Store: Crocs
Price: $14.99 via coupon codes "SS11294" and "JUNESHIP" with free shipping
Lowest By: $8 Is It Worth It?: Are they clogs? Are they sandals? Nope, they're stylized Crocs! And with the two coupon codes, you're saving 50% off these summer shoes in Espresso. They're available in sizes 5 to 10.

Lou Carlozo is a contributor to dealnews.com, where this article first appeared.?

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/csm/~3/4x3V-yoeeUo/Ballet-flats-topsiders-and-more-the-best-deals-on-women-s-shoes

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Obama's Last Hope for Climate Change: EPA

President Obama is ready to take one more shot at combating global warming with the last, least-popular, and messiest tool he's got left: regulations administered by the politically besieged Environmental Protection Agency.

It won't be popular, it might not work, and it could cost him his pick to head EPA.

But the hard reality is this: Three years after Congress killed a cap-and-trade bill, Obama is running out of time.

If Obama doesn't finalize EPA rules controlling greenhouse-gas emissions from the nation's carbon-emitting power plants before he leaves the White House, a Republican president or Senate could undo the rules?and his legacy.

"He is serious about making it a second-term priority," Heather Zichal, Obama's top energy and climate adviser, said at an event last week. "He knows this is a legacy issue."

In a speech at Georgetown University on Tuesday, Obama will outline a timeline for EPA to move forward regulating carbon emissions from new and existing power plants, which account for almost 40 percent of the country's heat-trapping emissions. EPA proposed rules for new plants last spring but missed its April deadline to finalize them.

But Obama will immediately faces hurdles in Congress, even as he seeks to unilaterally impose regulations through the executive branch. The Senate has not yet confirmed Gina McCarthy, Obama's nominee to head the agency who is currently EPA's assistant administrator for air. Obama's announcement Tuesday will further inflame McCarthy's already incendiary confirmation process.

"The Obama administration may conclude that the policy priority of moving forward on GHG emissions reductions outweighs the political gain of confirming McCarthy in a timely manner," according to analysis published Monday by ClearView Energy Partners, a Washington-based nonpartisan consulting firm. McCarthy could execute Obama's directive from her current post as EPA's top air chief. Acting Administrator Bob Perciasepe could remain in his post indefinitely, which is allowed under EPA's organizational plan.

As a result of the administration's environmental activism, Obama's party may also face newfound trouble in the 2014 midterms. The National Republican Senatorial Committee is already targeting vulnerable red-state Democrats up for reelection, including Sens. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, Mark Begich of Alaska, and Mark Pryor of Arkansas. "Landrieu Ushers in Obama's Climate Change Agenda," says one NRSC statement released Monday. "Jobs & Economy Fall Victim to Liberal Wishlist." GOP strategists believe that voters in Republican-leaning, energy-producing states could punish Democratic incumbents who support additional regulations.

"In what amounts to a national energy tax, the president will pivot away from jobs?the No. 1 issue for constituents," said Don Stewart, spokesman for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. McConnell will be criticizing the president's plan in a floor speech Tuesday morning.

If Republicans win back the Senate next year, they will have the tools to undo any new regulations. Using the Congressional Review Act, senators would be able to bypass the majority leader and force a vote requiring only 51 votes to pass a resolution nullifying regulations finalized within 60 days. The White House is reportedly worried such an effort could succeed against EPA's climate rules.

"He [Obama] is concerned about whether or not he has enough support in the Senate to defend vetoes of environmental regulations," said Michael Kieschnick, CEO and cofounder of CREDO, a cell-phone company heavily involved in advocating for action on climate change. Kieschnick has attended private fundraisers with Obama in recent months where the president addressed climate change.

Amid these political obstacles, Obama must navigate the significant legal and policy hurdles, which will inevitably come along with a regulation whose wide-reaching scope surpasses any other EPA rule, according to experts.

"Two years is about the minimal time it would take to go from soup to nuts on a rule like this," said Roger Martella, who was EPA general counsel under President George W. Bush. "These rules don't come out of the clear blue sky and involve lengthy internal deliberations before the public even gets a first peak at them."

Once EPA is done writing the rules, a flood of lawsuits will pour in from both sides of the issue. Litigation also takes time, during which it would be ideal if Obama was still in the White House. "We reason the Obama administration wants to defend its power plant GHG ? rule(s) against legal challenges rather than leaving it to another, potentially less simpatico administration," states the analysis by ClearView Energy Partners.

Time might be the biggest hurdle of all.

"Part of the challenge is, how much can they do in a limited amount of time," said Jody Freeman, who worked on energy and climate issues in the White House during Obama's first term. "This plan is a race against time. We're already six months into a second term."

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/obamas-last-hope-climate-change-epa-060022586.html

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Israeli air strikes hit Gaza after Palestinian rocket fire

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel carried out air strikes in the Gaza Strip on Monday in response to Palestinian militant rocket fire that broke weeks of relative calm along the frontier.

No casualties were reported in the incidents.

Six rockets were fired into Israel overnight, causing no damage, police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said. Two of them were shot down by Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system, the military said.

Israeli aircraft later struck targets in the Gaza Strip, including two weapons storage facilities, the military said, and Israel closed one of its the crossings with the coastal territory, which is controlled by the Islamist movement Hamas.

No group claimed responsibility for the Palestinian rocket fire. Officials in Gaza said two of six Israeli air strikes struck training camps for the militant group Islamic Jihad.

In a separate incident, tires were slashed on 21 cars in the Arab neighborhood of Beit Hanina in East Jerusalem in what appeared to be another in a series of "Price Tag" attacks by suspected Jewish militants. Police opened an investigation.

The term refers to the price the militants say they will exact for Palestinian attacks or any Israeli government curbs on Jewish settlement in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.

(Reporting by Ari Rabinovitch, Editing by Jeffrey Heller)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/israeli-air-strikes-hit-gaza-palestinian-rocket-fire-065009281.html

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Sugar solution makes tissues see-through

June 23, 2013 ? Japanese researchers have developed a new sugar and water-based solution that turns tissues transparent in just three days, without disrupting the shape and chemical nature of the samples. Combined with fluorescence microscopy, this technique enabled them to obtain detailed images of a mouse brain at an unprecedented resolution.

The team from the RIKEN Center for Developmental biology reports their finding today in Nature Neuroscience.

Over the past few years, teams in the USA and Japan have reported a number of techniques to make biological samples transparent, that have enabled researchers to look deep down into biological structures like the brain.

"However, these clearing techniques have limitations because they induce chemical and morphological damage to the sample and require time-consuming procedures," explains Dr. Takeshi Imai, who led the study.

SeeDB, an aqueous fructose solution that Dr. Imai developed with colleagues Drs. Meng-Tsen Ke and Satoshi Fujimoto, overcomes these limitations.

Using SeeDB, the researchers were able to make mouse embryos and brains transparent in just three days, without damaging the fine structures of the samples, or the fluorescent dyes they had injected in them. They could then visualize the neuronal circuitry inside a mouse brain, at the whole-brain scale, under a customized fluorescence microscope without making mechanical sections through the brain.

They describe the detailed wiring patterns of commissural fibers connecting the right and left hemispheres of the cerebral cortex, in three dimensions, for the first time.

Dr. Imai and colleagues report that they were also able to visualize in three dimensions the wiring of mitral cells in the olfactory bulb, which is involved the detection of smells, at single-fiber resolution.

"Because SeeDB is inexpensive, quick, easy and safe to use, and requires no special equipment, it will prove useful for a broad range of studies, including the study of neuronal circuits in human samples," explain the authors.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/strange_science/~3/4Wo5sA_hYKA/130623144947.htm

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Monday, June 24, 2013

Legal Theory Blog: Legal Theory Lexicon: Justice


The connection between law and justice is a deep one. We have "Halls of Justice," "Justices of the Supreme Court," and "the administration of justice." We know that "justice" is one of the central concepts of legal theory, but the concept of justice is also vague and ambiguous. This post provides an introductory roadmap to the the idea of justice. ?Subsequent entries in the?Legal Theory Lexicon?will cover more particular aspects of this topic such as "distributive justice." As always, this post is aimed at law students (especially first-year law students) with an interest in legal theory.

A Typology of Justice

What is justice??One way to approach this question is?via?a typology--a scheme that divides the general and abstract concept of justice into component parts: (1) distributive justice, (2) corrective justice, (3) political justice, (4) procedural justice, and (5) retributive justice. These may be deep and fundamental differences between different types of justice, or these categories may simply be heuristic devices. For now, let's lay that question to the side and focus instead on a brief exposition of each of the five types of justice:

Distributive Justice

In 1971,?John Rawls's?book?A Theory of Justice?put distributive justice at the center of philosophical discussion of justice.?What is the subject of distributive justice??Even this question is controversial, but one formulation is:?The subject matter of distributive justice is the distribution of the benefits and burdens of social cooperation.. The burdens of social cooperation include things like taxes and obligations to provide civic service (e.g. military service, jury service, and so forth). The benefits of social cooperation might be seen as including the resources that are produced by social cooperation, which might be represented by wealth and income. Thus, questions that might be answered by a theory of distributive justice might include:

  • Should the system of taxation be progressive (with a heavier burden on the wealthy than the poor)?
  • Should the government adopt an incomes policy (such as a guaranteed annual income) that will provide a minimum level of resources to those who are least well off?
  • Should the burden of military service by distributed equally (in the form of mandatory service for all citizens) or should this burden be allocated by a volunteer army and market incentives?

This list of questions just begins to scratch the surface. In the context of the law school curriculum, questions of distributive justice arise in a variety of course. In tort law, distributive justice may be the basis for the theory that one of the purposes of tort law is "risk spreading" or the just distribution of the costs of accidents. In contract law, questions of distributive justice may arise in cases involving contracts of adhesion or contracts with terms that may exploit the unsophisticated and economically disadvantaged.

Corrective Justice

Aristotle defined "corrective" or "rectificatory" justice as "justice in transactions." That's a good place to start. With Aristotle we might divide transactions into two categories, the voluntary and the involuntary. Justice in voluntary transactions would include the topics encompassed by contract law. Justice in involuntary transactions would include both transactions that are involuntary due to force (e.g. battery) and transactions that are involuntary due to fraud (e.g. fraud, misrepresentation, etc.).

One of the great debates in contemporary legal theory concerns the status of corrective justice. This topic is especially hot in tort theory. For example, some tort theories believe that the purpose of tort law is captured by the idea of corrective justice. Such theorists tend to believe that liability standards should be fault bases (e.g. intentional tort or negligence as opposed to strict liability) and that the purposes of tort damages is to make the plaintiff whole (and to force the defendant to disgorge wrongful gains) and?not?deterrence. Other tort theorists, e.g. welfarists or utilitarians, believe that corrective justice institutions should be judged solely by the consequences they produce. So a utilitarian might believe that the purpose of tort law is to produce optimum deterrence. Finally, some tort theorists believe that tort law serves the ends of distributive justice.

Political Justice

Yet another topic of justice is political justice. In a sense, this might be seen as a subtopic of distributive justice--since political rights and responsibilities can be seen as encompassed within the general category of the benefits and burdens of social cooperation. In relationship to the law school curriculum, we might say that political justice is concerned with the foundational issues of constitutional theory. Who shall have the right to vote? What power shall be allocated to local communities as opposed to nation-states? What limitations shall there be on the power of democratic majorities (e.g. individual rights & judicial review)?

The topic of political justice shades into another important idea--"political legitimacy." Are these two ideas essentially the same or are they different? One view is that it is possible to have a legitimate political order that is nonetheless unjust (or?vice versa). For example, some might say that the test of political legitimacy has to do with the origination of the political system. If a system has been accepted and endorsed by the people, this view contends, it is legitimate--even if the substance of the system (e.g. the allocation of political rights) is unjust. On this view, a religious state might be legitimate but unjust. A quite different view is that political legitimacy depends on political justice. For example, Randy Barnett has argued that the test for constitutional legitimacy is whether the constitution provides adequate guarantees of just outcomes (for Barnett, the protection of individual liberty). On this view, popular endorsement of an unjust political system does not make that system legitimate.

Procedural Justice

A final form of justice is "procedural justice." The very existence of this category is controversial. Some theorists argue that the only the?outcomes?of procedures count. But this is not the universal view. Some theorists believe that procedures are important for reasons that are not reducible to a concern with outcomes. One helpful typology was provided by Rawls, who distinguished between perfect, imperfect, and pure procedural justice.

  • Perfect procedural justice?assumes that we have an independent criterion for the correctness of outcomes. For example, a correct outcome in a criminal case would be "freeing the innocent and convicting the guilty." We have perfect procedural justice?if?the procedure guarantees the correct outcome. In other words, perfect procedural justice requires 100% accuracy.
  • Imperfect procedural justice. Of course, in the actual world, most procedures fall short of 100% accuracy. Moreover, the more accurate a procedure is, the more expensive it is likely to be. Imperfect procedural justice acknowledges these facts and therefore conceives of procedural justice as a fair balance between the benefits of accuracy and the costs of procedure.
  • Pure procedural justice?is based on the denial of the premise that we have an independent criterion for a correct outcome. We have a case of pure procedural justice?if the procedure itself provides the criterion for judging the justice of the outcome. Rawls himself doubted there were many cases of pure procedural justice. He did see one case--a fair bet. With a fair gamble (e.g. a roll of unloaded dice), the outcome doesn't matter.

In the context of the law school curriculum, questions of procedural justice arise in connection with procedural dues process (in constitutional law, administrative law, and procedure) and especially in the courses in civil and criminal procedure.

Retributive Justice

Criminal law theory is especially concerned with the idea of retributive justice. ?The core idea is that punishment is best understood as retribution, and the one implication of this view is that criminal punishments must be proportionate to the severity of the offense.

A second implication of a retributivist theory of criminal law is that punishment must be deserved and hence that criminal sanctions should be reserved for intentional wrongdoing. ?This simplie idea has a host of consequences. ?For example, it suggests that each crime must be predicated on intentional wrong doing--and hence that strict liability offenses have no place in the criminal law. ?Another set of implications concern defenses; a retributivist conception of criminal law implies that any defense that negates the blameworthiness of the offense ought to be recognized.

In recriminal law theory, retributive justice accounts compete with alternatives, especially with consequentialist or utilitarian accounts, which emphasize the forward-looking (ex ante) consequences of punishment and not the backward looking (ex post) idea of blameworthiness.

Justice and Moral Theory

Thinking about each of these four types of justice is connected with more general views about moral and political theory. Each of the three important families of normative moral theory (consequentialist, deontological, and aretaic) connects in interesting ways with thinking about justice:

  • Consequentialist Ideas About Justice?There are many different forms of consequentialism. In moral theory, the most familiar form is utilitarianism. In law, the emphasis lately have been on wheelbarrows. Most consequentialist theories do not see justice in any of its forms as truly distinctive. For example, for act utilitarians the rightness or wrongness of an action depends on whether that action (as opposed to the alternatives) produces the most utility. Thus, the best distribution of resources is the one that maximizes utility, and the best system of tort law is the one that utility. There are different ways of expressing this idea. One expression maintains that consequentialists do not place any independent value on justice; another way of putting it is to say that for consequentialists, justice?is?the production of good consequences.
  • Deontological Ideas About Justice?By way of contrast, deontological theories have a natural affinity for the idea that justice serves as an independent criterion for the rightness and wrongness of actions. Thus, it is a characteristically deontological position to maintain that unjust actions or institutions cannot be justified on the ground that they would produce good consequences. Thus, deontologists might say that it would be unjust and hence impermissible to punish an innocent persons--even if the net long-term effect of that action were to produce good consequences.
  • Areataic Ideas About Justice?From the view point of aretaic theory,?justice?is primarily a?virtue, an excellence of human character. One of the most difficult problems for virtue ethics has been the development of an adequate theory of the virtue of justice. One view is that justice is the disposition to take neither too much nor too little for one's self. Another view is that justice is the disposition to act in conformity with social and legal norms, tempered by?equity. Yet a third view is that the virtue of justice is simply the disposition to act in accord with the right theory of what a just action is.

The Relationship Between Law and Justice

What is the relationship between law and justice??That question can be tackled from many different directions. One angle of approach would be to ask whether there is some?essential?or?necessary?connection between legal validity and justice. The view that only just laws are legally valid is usually associated with?natural law?theory, whereas the view that there is no essential or necessary connection between law and justice is characteristically associated with?legal positivism. But whether one is a natural lawyer or a legal positivism, one could say that the laws should be just. Thus, theories of justice can be seen as guiding the science of legislation.

Conclusion?Contemporary legal education is, in a sense, all about justice. Natural law, legal positivism, and legal realism all go beyond the black letter law and ask the question, "What should the law be?" Law students quickly discover that their instructors are frequently more interested in questions like, "Is that a just rule?" than in questions like, "What is the rule?" As you continue your study of legal rules, you can begin to ask questions like: "Does this rule address a question of distributive, corrective, political, or procedural justice?" "Is the rule in the case (or statute or constitutional provision) just or unjust?" "What theory of justice underlies the reasoning of the court?"

Related Lexicon Entries

Other Resources on the Web

(Last modified on February 12, 2012.)

Source: http://lsolum.typepad.com/legaltheory/2013/06/legal-theory-lexicon-justice.html

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Top 15 internet Marketing Gurus Who Have Changed People's Lives ...

Keep reading, the making an attempt the items is just secret to urge success on-line. These fifteen internet marketers have done spectacular work and several individuals area unit learning the items from these gurus. They need established the benchmark in blogging that everybody wish to follow and wish to succeed in at the stage wherever they need reached.?

Here I'm listing top 15 internet marketing gurus whom I'm following from beginning days on my blogging and attending to continue follow them.

Here I am mentioning their information according to their popularity. Here are only 15 Internet Marketing Gurus whose tips and tricks you can follow to achieve success.

1. Darren Rowse: -

He is the owner of this blog http://www.problogger.net/ . It is one of the most popular blog on internet. He is among the first blogger who entered the world of blogging in 2004. He helped many thousands of bloggers to achieve success in the field of blogging. He was awarded the Best Web Development Web Blog Award in 2006 for his blog Problogger. His blog is dedicated as a blog of teaching and it is popular in the industry for his awesome tips related to blogging.

2. Brian Clark: -?

The blog of Brain Clark is a one stop destination for improving your copy- writing skills. He continuously post new things related to copywriting and his blog is now one of the best blog of copywriting.

3. Seth Godin: -

He is an American Entrepreneur, public speaker, best-selling author and an author. After doing graduation in computer science and philosophy he did MBA from the ?Stanford Graduate School of Business?. He worked as a Yahoo?s Vice President as a direct marketing and worked there till 2000. He is the only personality behind http://www.squidoo.com/ . It is a community where different users can create pages which are called lenses. These lenses are related to the subject of their interest and by this they can drive traffic to their website. He is well known in blogging industry for his captivating writing style. Most of the well known internet marketing entrepreneurs follow his principles and rules.

4. John Chow:-


He is a well known guru of internet marketing who teaches people about online money making. He is also the author of Make Money Online: Roadmap of a Dot Com Mogul. This edition rockets to #1 on Amazon only in the first week of its release. His latest book is blogging with John Chow. This book has gained lots of popularity. Most of the people are able to change their lives after taking this course.

5. Yaro Stark: -

He is the owner of http://www.entrepreneurs-journey.com/. He started blogging in the year of 2008. From his blog you can learn many ideas related to money making. He is also popular for podcasts on his blog. He had also interviewed almost every big blogger in the blogging industry. If you will completely study his blog then you can become a successful blogger. From his blog you can also download the blue print of his book ?BLOG PROFITS BLUEPRINT? and can learn many strategies related to blogging.

6. Pat Flynn: -?

He is the owner of http://www.smartpassiveincome.com/. He also started blogging in 2008. He is the person who has mesmerized the world with his clear and transparent income reports. He shared his income reports at his blog. In blogosphere is known for his famous podcaster.?

7. Neil Patel: -?

This famous personality is popular for sharing useful SEO tips. He is the owner of big brands like:

His blog quickly sprout and is now one of the most loved blog for learning SEO tips. His online companies are million dollars and he is spreading his online business every day.

8. Yanik Silver: -?

He is a sales letter expert. He has also created InstanttSalesLetters.com. This is a website where he sold various sales letter templates. In first month he made $1800. For three months he did online work for making six figure income from his blog. Till now he has made over $15 million from internet.

9. Zac Johnson: -

He is known as super affiliator. His blog is related for teaching affiliate marketing tips. His blog is one stop destination for the people who are interested in learning affiliate marketing. The readers of Zac Johnson?s blog have earned more than 1 Million Dollars from Neverblue.

10. Chris Farrell: -

He begins online business in 2008. Today he is one of the most successful and respectful marketer in internet today. He is a very popular public speaker. On stage he has spoken with T Harv Eker, Daymond John, Gary Vaynerchuck, Robert Cialdini, Dr John Gray, Dr Stephen Covey, Brian Tracy and many other. His membership is highest rated service and a much loved product for online marketing people. His blog is awesome for the people who wanted to start their career as internet marketers.?

11. Daniel Scocco: -

He started blogging in the year of 2005 and his blog was also nominated for the ?BEST WEB DEVELOPMENT BLOG? in 2007 for WEBLOG AWARDS. His blog is very much famous for learning basics tips of blogging. He is also running one more blog http://www.dailywritingtips.com/. This blog is focused on spelling tips, punctuation and grammar.?

12. Michael Headshot: -

He is a very young entrepreneur who is running Expert Photography, Tetireat21 and Income dairy. These three blogs are receiving around million visitors in a month. He is loved with word ?Domination? so he is having the products like:

  1. Site Profit Domination
  2. Web Domination 2.0
  3. Popup Domination

At his bog Income Dairy you will find many detailed writing and articles styles at his blog in very compelling and unique way.?

13. Chris Guthuri: -

In this podcast he has interviewed many great people and when you will land on his blog you will learn many new things. He started blogging in 2005. Initially he builds a forum for gamers. This was his very successful project. He did full time job as a game tester with Microsoft and after that in sales selling IT equipment. In 2010 he made $150,000 from affiliate program of Amazon.

14. Glen Allsopp: -?

His online journey was started in his age of 15. Initially his website started making thousands of dollars from his part time blogging but at the age of 19 he started full time online marketing. He is also the creator of a successful email marketing plug-in Optin Skin. He made his identification as a successful affiliate marketer and has turned many thousands of lives from his writing skills.?

15. Jeremy ShoeMaker: -

He started his blog ShoeMoneyin 2003 and also started monetizing his blog. In 2005 he made $130,000 with ad sense and by this his online business is boosted greatly. An average he made $30000 per month. He has launched a course ?Shoe in Money? which is divided in various modules. This shows right path in internet marketing.?

Source: http://www.trickmik.com/2013/06/top-15-internet-marketing-gurus-who.html

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First look at the new AOL Reader beta, a surprisingly pleasing way to get your RSS fix

AOL Reader

Google Reader will come to an end on July 1, one week from now. We're not that short on options to continue receiving our RSS fix, but one that quietly emerged in recent days is AOL Reader. Currently in beta form, and web only, access to the new service is now available. You're told to log in and request an invite, but it seems as though verifying your email address is about all you need to do to get in and take a look. So, we did.

AOL Reader is currently only available on the web, though an iOS application is promised for the future. You can import your current subscriptions from Google Reader, though you'll need to export the data first via Google Takeout (something we'd highly recommend doing anyway before July 1.) Google exports a series of files, but the one you'll need is the one titled as "subscriptions.xml." Should you have any issues importing this to AOL Reader, try changing the extension from .xml to .opml, and you should be good to go.

While functional, Google Reader's web interface always felt somewhat basic, and a little chaotic. AOL Reader takes a similar form factor, but with a much prettier design. It's actually a surprisingly pleasing way to read your RSS feeds. There's a selection of viewing options, including list, card, pane and full views, a dark and light theme to customize the appearance to your own personal tastes and a choice of different font sizes. AOL Reader is much, much easier on the eye than Google Reader.

An interesting touch, perhaps to be appreciated more by the power users, is a bunch of keyboard shortcuts. Pretty much full navigation of AOL Reader can take place without touching the mouse, and to help us get started there's a handy guide as to which keys do what.

We're still only scratching the surface, but AOL Reader is a surprisingly good product. Having come from quite literally nowhere, what we have is a nice looking, perfectly functional, free RSS client. It may be late to the party, especially since the Feedly train continues to roll, but if you're undecided on where to go after Google shuts down Reader, AOL is worth a look. And of course, we still haven't seen the accompanying iOS apps yet. But this is a good start. Go ahead and give it a try, and let us know what you think!


Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/s5PrXpgYDPo/story01.htm

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Thirtysomethings and love in Japan


goo Ranking had an interesting survey on stereotypes of single people in their thirties and looking for love, for both women and men. Note that this time both sexes voted in both the surveys.


Between the 2nd and 5th of May 2013 1,088 members of the goo Research online monitor group completed a private internet-based questionnaire. 50.2% of the sample were male, 23.3% in their teens, 24.4% in their twenties, 25.5% in their thirties, and 26.8% in their forties; there was no-one older than 49 in this sample. Note that the score in the results refers to the relative number of votes for each option, not a percentage of the total sample.

As someone who was single for half my thirties, I can identify with a lot of them, in particular number 19 for the guys, which was one that did actually come true!

Ranking result

Q1: What stereotypes do you have of single women in their thirties and their love life? (Sample size=1,088)

Rank ? Score
1= When they meet an unmarried man over 35 years old they find themselves searching for the reason why he couldn?t get married up to now 100
1= When a cool guy makes their heart skip a beat, the chances of him being married are high 100
3 Encounters with unnattached guys drastically decrease 71.7
4= They start planning for a single life 70.9
4= They are particular about their partner?s appearance, bearing, etc, but put their own character to one side 70.9
6 They no longer can meet guys who click 69.3
7 They end up judging on first encounters whether guys are Yes or No 59.8
8 They end up checking the ring finger of guys they meet at/through work 56.7
9 Compared to their twenties, invites to dating parties almost completely dry up 53.2
10 When they start a relationship they think ?this might be my last chance??, and put a bit more effort into it 49.6
11 They worry that there might not be any nice guys around the same age left 48.0
12 They change to prefering younger men instead of older 47.2
13= They concentrate their effort on their hobbies, work, etc at the expense of their love life 45.7
13= They stop visiting their parents as they have got annoyed with their ?Not married yet??, ?You?ve not found a nice man??, etc 45.7
13= Since they took their last break-up particularly hard, they have become cowards towards romance 45.7
13= When they go to a dating party almost all the guys are younger 45.7
17 Thinking ?What kind of guy really does suit me?? they lose understanding of their own preferences 43.3
18 If they don?t take action themselves, love will not develop 38.6
19= Their friends stop introducing them to guys 37.0
19= It becomes troublesome for them to make moves on guys 37.0
21= They get depressed when they see Facebook friends posting about their marriage and births 33.9
21= They believe that their fated love does exist somewhere on Earth 33.9
21= They cannot take the plunge into marriage as they feel they want to enjoy being single for just a little while more 33.9
21= Playing cute and innocent as they did in their twenties no longer works 3.9
25= Despite their best efforts, guys who don?t want to marry don?t develop the relationship 33.1
25= They get depressed when they dredge up memories of past boyfriends and realise they can never again regain that feeling 33.1
25= When they go out for a meal with younger guys they start wondering ?Could he fancy me?? 33.1
28 They spend more time with their mother than their boyfriends 29.9
29 Compared to their twenties, they look for safe rather than exciting guys 29.1
30 When love isn?t going the way they thought, they distract themselves by immersing themselves in work 25.2
31= Although when they meet married friends they do nothing but moan about being single, they cannot get into the mood for marrying 24.4
31= When younger guys buy them a meal they wonder if there could be a nuance of romance 24.4
33 As they pay more attention to their appearance than when in their twenties, bills for beauty treatment start to build up 22.0
34 As there is no time to waste, they themselves soon declare their love 17.3
35 As they have less confidence in their skin than when in their twenties, they try to select darker places for dates 15.7

Q2: What stereotypes do you have of single men in their thirties and their love life? (Sample size=1,088)

Rank ? Score
1 Encounters with unnattached women drastically decrease 100
2 When they meet an unmarried woman in their thirties they find themselves searching for the reason why she couldn?t get married up to now 97.4
3 They are particular about their partner?s appearance, bearing, etc, but put their own character to one side 79.2
4 They no longer can meet girls who click 74.0
5 When an elegant women makes their heart skip a beat, the chances of her being married are high 71.5
6= They start planning for a single life 67.5
6= They end up checking the ring finger of women they meet at/through work 67.5
8 It becomes troublesome for them to make moves on girls 63.6
9 They concentrate their effort on their hobbies, work, etc at the expense of their love life 62.3
10 They end up judging on first encounters whether girls are Yes or No 61.0
11 Thinking ?What kind of girl really does suit me?? they lose understanding of their own preferences 59.7
12= When they start a relationship they think ?this might be my last chance??, and put a bit more effort into it 57.1
12= Compared to their twenties, invites to dating parties almost completely dry up 57.1
14 They cannot take the plunge into marriage as they feel they want to enjoy being single for just a little while more 54.5
15 They change to prefering younger women instead of older 53.2
16 Compared to their twenties, they look for safe rather than exciting women 51.9
17 Their friends stop introducing them to women 46.8
18 Since they took their last break-up particularly hard, they have become cowards towards romance 45.5
19 They believe that their fated love does exist somewhere on Earth 44.2
20= Despite their best efforts, women who don?t want to marry don?t develop the relationship 41.6
20= Although when they meet married friends they do nothing but moan about being single, they cannot get into the mood for marrying 41.6
22 They get depressed when they dredge up memories of past girlfriends and realise they can never again regain that feeling 40.3
23 When they go out for a meal with younger women they start wondering ?Could she fancy me?? 37.7
24 They worry that there might not be any nice women around the same age left 33.8
25 They get depressed when they see Facebook friends posting about their marriage and births 32.5
Read more on: goo ranking,love


Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/WhatJapanThinks/~3/7MEQ9SYRWIg/

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Virginia Houses for Sale: Foreclosures - Real Estate - Centreville ...

Bank-owned homes in Northern Virginia, Fredericksburg.

Patch has?31 community sites?in Virginia and D.C. with some of the most in-demand neighborhoods in the commonwealth. Each site routinely covers local real estate.

Foreclosures nationwide?are on the decline, writes Amrita Jayakumar?in the?Washington Post. In Virginia, the number of homes in foreclosure is down more than 42 percent from where it was a year ago,?according to the report released Tuesday by LPS Applied Analytics, a market research company.

The state has?foreclosures resources for Virginia homeowners.

Using real estate listings from our friends at AOL Real Estate and Zillow, Patch editors looked at bank-owned property on the market last week.

Old Town WOW House: 534 N. Pitt St.

Foreclosure Home Sales in Chantilly

Three Foreclosures for Sale in Annandale

Foreclosure Homes for Sale in Lorton

Six Foreclosure Homes for Sale in Fairfax Station and Clifton

Four Foreclosure Homes for Sale in Burke

Reston WOW House: Foreclosure Deal in 20190

Real Estate: Foreclosures in Fairfax County/City

Two New Foreclosures for Sale in Kingstowne

Tysons Foreclosure: Townhouse for $425K

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Source: http://centreville.patch.com/groups/real-estate/p/virginia-houses-for-sale-foreclosures

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