Monday, June 24, 2013

Top 15 internet Marketing Gurus Who Have Changed People's Lives ...

Keep reading, the making an attempt the items is just secret to urge success on-line. These fifteen internet marketers have done spectacular work and several individuals area unit learning the items from these gurus. They need established the benchmark in blogging that everybody wish to follow and wish to succeed in at the stage wherever they need reached.?

Here I'm listing top 15 internet marketing gurus whom I'm following from beginning days on my blogging and attending to continue follow them.

Here I am mentioning their information according to their popularity. Here are only 15 Internet Marketing Gurus whose tips and tricks you can follow to achieve success.

1. Darren Rowse: -

He is the owner of this blog . It is one of the most popular blog on internet. He is among the first blogger who entered the world of blogging in 2004. He helped many thousands of bloggers to achieve success in the field of blogging. He was awarded the Best Web Development Web Blog Award in 2006 for his blog Problogger. His blog is dedicated as a blog of teaching and it is popular in the industry for his awesome tips related to blogging.

2. Brian Clark: -?

The blog of Brain Clark is a one stop destination for improving your copy- writing skills. He continuously post new things related to copywriting and his blog is now one of the best blog of copywriting.

3. Seth Godin: -

He is an American Entrepreneur, public speaker, best-selling author and an author. After doing graduation in computer science and philosophy he did MBA from the ?Stanford Graduate School of Business?. He worked as a Yahoo?s Vice President as a direct marketing and worked there till 2000. He is the only personality behind . It is a community where different users can create pages which are called lenses. These lenses are related to the subject of their interest and by this they can drive traffic to their website. He is well known in blogging industry for his captivating writing style. Most of the well known internet marketing entrepreneurs follow his principles and rules.

4. John Chow:-


He is a well known guru of internet marketing who teaches people about online money making. He is also the author of Make Money Online: Roadmap of a Dot Com Mogul. This edition rockets to #1 on Amazon only in the first week of its release. His latest book is blogging with John Chow. This book has gained lots of popularity. Most of the people are able to change their lives after taking this course.

5. Yaro Stark: -

He is the owner of He started blogging in the year of 2008. From his blog you can learn many ideas related to money making. He is also popular for podcasts on his blog. He had also interviewed almost every big blogger in the blogging industry. If you will completely study his blog then you can become a successful blogger. From his blog you can also download the blue print of his book ?BLOG PROFITS BLUEPRINT? and can learn many strategies related to blogging.

6. Pat Flynn: -?

He is the owner of He also started blogging in 2008. He is the person who has mesmerized the world with his clear and transparent income reports. He shared his income reports at his blog. In blogosphere is known for his famous podcaster.?

7. Neil Patel: -?

This famous personality is popular for sharing useful SEO tips. He is the owner of big brands like:

His blog quickly sprout and is now one of the most loved blog for learning SEO tips. His online companies are million dollars and he is spreading his online business every day.

8. Yanik Silver: -?

He is a sales letter expert. He has also created This is a website where he sold various sales letter templates. In first month he made $1800. For three months he did online work for making six figure income from his blog. Till now he has made over $15 million from internet.

9. Zac Johnson: -

He is known as super affiliator. His blog is related for teaching affiliate marketing tips. His blog is one stop destination for the people who are interested in learning affiliate marketing. The readers of Zac Johnson?s blog have earned more than 1 Million Dollars from Neverblue.

10. Chris Farrell: -

He begins online business in 2008. Today he is one of the most successful and respectful marketer in internet today. He is a very popular public speaker. On stage he has spoken with T Harv Eker, Daymond John, Gary Vaynerchuck, Robert Cialdini, Dr John Gray, Dr Stephen Covey, Brian Tracy and many other. His membership is highest rated service and a much loved product for online marketing people. His blog is awesome for the people who wanted to start their career as internet marketers.?

11. Daniel Scocco: -

He started blogging in the year of 2005 and his blog was also nominated for the ?BEST WEB DEVELOPMENT BLOG? in 2007 for WEBLOG AWARDS. His blog is very much famous for learning basics tips of blogging. He is also running one more blog This blog is focused on spelling tips, punctuation and grammar.?

12. Michael Headshot: -

He is a very young entrepreneur who is running Expert Photography, Tetireat21 and Income dairy. These three blogs are receiving around million visitors in a month. He is loved with word ?Domination? so he is having the products like:

  1. Site Profit Domination
  2. Web Domination 2.0
  3. Popup Domination

At his bog Income Dairy you will find many detailed writing and articles styles at his blog in very compelling and unique way.?

13. Chris Guthuri: -

In this podcast he has interviewed many great people and when you will land on his blog you will learn many new things. He started blogging in 2005. Initially he builds a forum for gamers. This was his very successful project. He did full time job as a game tester with Microsoft and after that in sales selling IT equipment. In 2010 he made $150,000 from affiliate program of Amazon.

14. Glen Allsopp: -?

His online journey was started in his age of 15. Initially his website started making thousands of dollars from his part time blogging but at the age of 19 he started full time online marketing. He is also the creator of a successful email marketing plug-in Optin Skin. He made his identification as a successful affiliate marketer and has turned many thousands of lives from his writing skills.?

15. Jeremy ShoeMaker: -

He started his blog ShoeMoneyin 2003 and also started monetizing his blog. In 2005 he made $130,000 with ad sense and by this his online business is boosted greatly. An average he made $30000 per month. He has launched a course ?Shoe in Money? which is divided in various modules. This shows right path in internet marketing.?


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