Sunday, February 17, 2013

Window Maker: mimic Windows 7/OS X dock?

Look at me! I'm going to actually answer your questions! (I'm glaring at you, cfr wink)

[DUNNO?] 1) I need it all to be only on one vertical strip. (no WindowMaker's "icons, icons everywhere..." behaviour)

Window Maker can't minimize to the dock. The closest thing you can do is minimize to a column of icons right next to the dock.

I personally like the default dock area and miniwindow area, although I almost never minimize windows.

[DUNNO?] 4) Minimize window to icon on dock (to the same icon if it is pinned)

This is called "hiding". Other than that it's not possible.

[DUNNO?] 5) Single click on the dock to launch/activate/minimize app.

This is an option on the last tab of the Window Maker preferences application.


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