Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Ev Williams: Medium Wants To Help Build A Sustainable Economic Model For Journalism

2118601809_4fb4b88e70_z1At the Launch Conference in San Francisco today, Twitter co-founder Ev Williams took the stage to talk to conference founder Jason Calacanis about everything from his experience at Twitter and the rise of Vine to sharing his take on Google and Facebook as well as the latest from Medium, his latest effort to shape the future of digital publishing. For those unfamiliar, a serial entrepreneur, Williams has played a key role in helping to shape the way we create and share content on the Web, as the co-founder of Pyra Labs, which produced Blogger -- and was bought by Google in 2003. In doing so, Williams is often credited with coining the term "blogger" and helping to popularize both the term "blog" and the medium itself. After leaving Google, Williams went on to co-found Odeo and "idea incubator" Obvious, which produced both Twitter and, most recently, Medium (among others).


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