Friday, March 8, 2013

LSJ News

Over 6 cases of domestic violence go unreported each day within Lincolnshire.

This is according to statistics released last year by the Lincolnshire Police, whereby they stated that nationally, 1 in 4 women will experience domestic violence at one point of their lives. for men 1 in 6 will face domestic abuse in their lives.

On top of this, of the cases that er reported to Police, only a quarter of the cases result in a charge.

Domestic abuse is a range of?behaviors used by a partner or ex-partner in order to maintain control over a relationship. Domestic abuse includes, physical violence, psychological abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, financial abuse and or stalking and?harassment.

On average 2 women a week are killed through domestic violence, however domestic abuse effects a variety of people within society. People of all ages are effected, whether it be child witnessing domestic violence to an abusive relationship within an older couple. Those with disabilities are also subjected to Domestic abuse, and with people too scared to come forward it makes it harder for the Police to aid abusive relationships.


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